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25th September 2008

Colofn Golwg

Mae 2008 yn flwyddyn i’w hanghofio i Ewrop.  Yn gyntaf colli’r refferendwm yn yr Iwerddon, yna colli cwpan Ryder i’r Americanwyr ar gwrs golff o’r enw Valhalla.  Ac eto mae’r ffaith bod tim sy’n cynnwys Daniaid, Swediaid, Sbaenwyr, Saeson a Gwyddelod yn medru cyd-chwarae gyda’r fath angerdd o dan faner y ddeuddeg seren aur a miloedd o’i cyd-ddinasyddion (achos Cyfansoddiad neu beidio, dyna’r hyn ydyn nhw) yn eu hannog ymlaen – a’r darllenwr Daily Mail mwyaf ewro-sgeptig yn eu plith – yn dangos nad yw’r prosiect Ewropeaidd wedi chwythu ei blwc yn llwyr. 

Ond bendithied bobl bach Iwerddon.  Yn yr unig refferenwm gynhaliwyd ar Gytundeb Lisbon, fe ddanfonon nhw neges glir at yr ewrocratiaid, y pleidiau mawr a’r gwledydd mawr sydd wedi dod a ni i’r cul-de-sac presennol, Digwydd bod, yn Iwerddon hefyd ddwy flynedd yn ol ennillwyd y Cwpan Ryder o dan arweinyddiaeth Ian Woosnam, y tro cyntaf i Gymro arwain Ewrop i fuddugolieth ers Macsen Wledig.  Daw cyfle arall mewn dwy flynedd, wrth gwrs, pan fydd llygaid y byd yn troi am dridiau i’r Maenor Celtiadd yma yng Nghymru. 

Wrth gwrs, mae angen mwy na gornest golff bob dwy flynedd i adeiladu’r Ewrop newydd.  Wel dyma chi tri cynnig i’n cymrodyr cyfandirol:  tim Ewropeaidd nid yn unig yng ngolff a thennis ond rygbi hefyd– ochr yn ochr os nad yn lle y Llewod Prydeinig a Gwyddelig – yn chwarae a thimoedd o ddeheudir y byd unwaith y flwyddyn. Gall chwaraeon llai pwysig fel pel-droed ddilyn yn ei sgil. Yn ail, cyfle i bob person ifanc – nid dim ond myfyrwyr prifysgol – dreulio bwlyddyn tramor gyda nawdd o’r Undeb Ewropeaidd – rhyw fath o Erasmus y Bobl ar gyfer Ewrop y Bobl. 

Gyda etholiadau Ewrop ar y gorwel, mae angen arweinwyr wedi eu hethol gan y bobl – nid eu hapwyntio.  Mae angen i Senedd Ewrop fynnu mai nhw – nid y gwladwriaethau - fydd yn penodi Llywydd nesaf y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd.   I’r perwyl yma mae Grwp Ceidwadol  y Senedd wedi enwebu Manuel Barroso ar gyfer ail dymor.  Os ydi’r “Sosialwyr” am wneud yn siwr bod Eluned Morgan yn colli ei sedd (fel mae’n debyg o wneud) fe allen nhw enwebu Tony Blair.  Ond pwy fydd ymgeisydd Plaid Cymru a’r Grwp Gwyrdd?  Fy ffefryn i efallai fyddai Jose Bove, y ffarmwr ac ymgyrchydd o Ffrainc neu Olivier Besancenot, y dyn post o’r un wlad, a fel Bove yn gyn-ymgeisydd arlywyddol:  dau ddyn bach yn erbyn y cyfundrefnau mawr – rhyw fath o fersiwn cyfandirol o Dafydd Iwan.           

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2008 is a year to forget for Europe. First of all, losing the referendum in Ireland and then the European team being defeated by the Americans in the Ryder Cup tournament on a golf course called Valhalla. And yet, the fact that the team was made up of Danes, Swedes, Spaniards, Englishmen and Irishmen, and that they all played passionately under the European banner with thousands of their co-citizens (despite the Constitution issue, that’s what they are) cheering them on - with even the most euro-sceptic Daily Mail reader’s amongst them - proves that the European project isn’t completely over yet.

But bless the people of Ireland. In the only referendum to take place on the Lisbon Treaty, they sent a clear message to the Eurocrats, the large political parties and the big countries who’ve brought us into this present day cul-de-sac. Just by chance, it was also in Ireland that the European team won the Ryder Cup two years ago under the leadership of Ian Woosnam, the first time a Welshman has led European to victory since the days of Macsen Wledig. There will be another opportunity of course in two years time when the world’s eyes will turn for three days towards the Celtic Manor here in Wales.

Of course, we do need more than just one golfing tournament every two year’s to build a new Europe. Here’s three suggestions to our contiental brothers: an European team not only for golf and tennis but also Rugby - side by side if not instead of the British and Irish Lions - playing against teams from every corner of the world once a year. Less important sports like football could also follow. Secondly, an opportunity for every young person - not just university students - to spend a year abroad under European Union sponsorship - a type of Erasmus scheme for the People of Europe.

And thirdly, with the European elections now looming, we need leaders who are elected by the people and not appointed. The European Parliament must insist that they - and not the states - will appoint the next President of the European Commission. This is why the Conservative Group in the Parliament have nominated Manuel Barroso for a second terms. If the “Socialists” want to ensure that Eluned Morgan loses her seat (as seems likely) they could nominate Tony Blair. But who will be Plaid Cymru and their Group’s nominee? My favourite perhaps would be Jose Bove, the farmer and campaigner from France or Oliver Besancenot, the postman from the same country and like Bove, a former Presidential candidate: two small men against the regime - an  European version of Dafydd Iwan.

One Response so far to “Colofn Golwg”

  1. John Tyler says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 5:45 pm

    Thank you for the English translation, as a “Welsh language” learner it is wonderful.

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